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11th Street Corridor Design-Build
- Merit Award – Transportation / Design Build Institute of America
- Project of the Year / The Engineers Club
- National Recognition Award / American Council of Engineering Companies
- Maryland Grand Award / American Council of Engineering Companies
- Metropolitan Washington Honor Award / American Council of Engineering Companies
- Global Project of the Year / Skanska
- Ranked No. 1 on “Top 10 Roads” list / Roads & Bridges Magazine
- Washington, DC was designated as a Gold Level Walk Friendly Community by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC). The 11th Street project was singled out by the PBIC, for its exceptional planning and engineering and strong commitment to walkability.
Pennsylvania Avenue SE Multimodal Project (Washington, D.C.)
- Environmental Excellence Award / Federal Highway Administration
- Silver Award / American Council of Engineering Companies, Washington
- Honor Award / American Council of Engineering Companies, Metropolitan Washington
Oregon Avenue Interceptor Sewer Replacement (Washington, D.C.)
- Project of the Year Runner Up / Trenchless Technology Magazine
Monongahela River Subaqueous Interceptor CIPP Rehabilitation (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Diamond Award for Construction Management/Construction Inspection / American Council of Engineering Companies, Pennsylvania
High Level Sewershed Collection System Microtunneling (Baltimore, MD)
- Project of the Year Honorable Mention for New Installation / Trenchless Technology Magazine
Restoration of the Jefferson Memorial Roof and Portico (Washington, D.C.)
- Building Construction Project of the Year – Construction Value Less than $25M / Construction Management Association of America, National Capital Chapter
M29 Outfall Improvements (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Project of the Year Honorable Mention for Rehabilitation / Trenchless Technology Magazine
- Diamond Award: Honor Award – Waste and Stormwater Category / American Council of Engineering Companies, Pennsylvania
- National Recognition Award / American Council of Engineering Companies
Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant Headworks Improvements and Wet Weather Flow Equalization CMAR (Baltimore, MD)
- Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award / American Society of Civil Engineers
- Mid-Atlantic Best Project / Engineering News Record
- Award of Excellence / Maryland Quality Initiative
- Honor Award / American Council of Engineering Companies, Maryland
- Excellence in Concrete Award / American Concrete Institute, Maryland
Anacostia Freeway Bridges over South Capitol Street (Washington, D.C.)
- Honor Award – Structural Systems / American Council of Engineering Companies, Metropolitan Washington
Florida Avenue, NE Interim Improvements (Washington, D.C.)
- Honor Award – Small Projects / American Council of Engineering Companies, Metropolitan Washington
- Project of the Year / Institute of Transportation Engineers, Washington, D.C. Section