We Know DC and DC Water

Water and Sanitary Sewer Projects

JMT has served DC Water on various contracts over the past 17 years, from linear assessment to facility improvement designs. We have integrated our designs into the landscape of the District with a critical understanding of the various impacts on construction, permitting, stakeholder engagement, and regulatory impacts. Our linear pipeline experience stems from a combination of utility relocations in support of a District Department of Transportation (DDOT) roadway project to Service Life Restoration Program improvements under our Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) Infrastructure XI and XII contracts. Some of our contracts with DC Water have included:

  • BOA Infrastructure XI and XII
  • BOA Infrastructure and Environmental Assessment
  • Architectural and Engineering Services BOA
  • Wastewater Treatment Facility On-Call
  • Creekbed Sewer Rehabilitation Glover Archbold Park CMAR (sub-consultant)

Oregon Avenue Interceptor Sewer Replacement

Location​: Washington, D.C.
Client: DC Water

This award-winning project utilized trenchless construction to reduce disturbance to the public and secured a record-setting curved drive for microtunneling.

The Oregon Avenue NW Sewer Rehabilitation project was constructed to replace and improve sewers near Rock Creek Park and Bingham Drive. Of the project’s 4,300 feet of new 24-inch sewer, 2,700 feet was installed by 60-inch microtunneling through the variable rock conditions up to 90 feet deep. Work areas were particularly challenging as the project was located between a quiet, residential neighborhood and Rock Creek Park. Access had to be maintained for residents, emergency services, and visitors to the national park. To minimize public impact, the seven designed tunnels were reduced to three, including a single 1,860-foot drive and a 430-foot S-curve with a 625-foot radius. Both drives were record-setting for rock microtunneling in the United States for the longest and the first curved drives, respectively. The collaboration and flexibility of the Oregon Avenue team allowed the project to show how far we can push the capabilities of microtunneling.

Potomac 72-inch Force Main Inspection & Assessment

Location​: Washington, D.C.
Client: DC Water

JMT utilized multi-sensor inspections to assess aging infrastructure, which was complicated by stringent regulatory requirements and increased safety protocols.

JMT inspected, tested, and assessed the 72-inch diameter Potomac Force Main originally installed in the early 1960s. We provided engineering and environmental services necessary to complete a Condition Assessment Report (CAR) of the 20,000 LF, reinforced concrete pipeline in Southeast Washington, D.C., which also included three underwater syphons with a total length of 4,350 LF and box culverts. The team adhered to the National Park Service’s (NPS) stringent permit requirements to perform the assessment. The pipeline was inspected by a combination of methods, including personnel entry, CCTV, robotic equipment (equipped with sonar, laser, and CCTV), hammer sounding and Schmidt hammer assessments, and electromagnetic testing. Because of our team’s NEPA expertise, our scientists conducted a comprehensive three-day NEPA training program to assist DC Water staff with navigating through the NEPA process during all phases of project delivery. The training covered all aspects of NEPA, especially in conjunction with NPS requirements and regulatory permitting for DC Water projects.

Maintenance of Traffic

JMT holds the current version of the City-Wide Traffic Engineering Design contract and has supported DDOT on 50 different work orders focusing on safety and multimodal design. JMT also currently holds the Traffic Signal Management and Design contract and works closely with the Traffic Engineering and Safety Division (TESD) to build a world-class, sustainable transportation system. JMT has held multiple DDOT schedule contracts for the past five cycles; successfully completing numerous projects, including: Maryland Avenue Multimodal Streetscape NE from 2nd Street to 14th Street; Florida Avenue NE Multimodal Streetscape from 2nd Street to 14th Street; and Florida Avenue/New York Avenue Improvements. We were also the engineer of record for the 11th Street Bridge Design-Build project, the largest project undertaken by DDOT at the time.

Citywide Traffic Engineering Design

Location​: Washington, D.C.
Client: District Department of Transportation

JMT’s traffic engineers have developed relationships with DDOT through on-call solution delivery over the past 10 years.

JMT is the lead designer of the Citywide Traffic Engineering Design contract, which addresses high crashes and problem intersections within the District. The contract supports safety improvements for locations identified as part of the annual Highway Safety Improvement Program (HISP). In addition, the contract addresses requests for other safety and traffic improvements that fall outside the HISP and are not able to be delivered by other mechanisms within the District. The following are some of the tasks that have been completed or are currently underway as part of this contract:

  • Florida Avenue NE Interim Improvements
  • 20th St and 21st St Two-Way Cycle Track
  • Georgia Avenue NW Open Street
  • 16th Street Circle, NW
  • Far Southeast III Livability

CSO Long Term Control Program Management

Location​: Washington, D.C.
Client: DC Water

JMT was part of a team that delivered program management services for DC Water in association with the DC Water Clean Rivers Program to reduce pollution in Rock Creek and the Anacostia and Potomac rivers over a 20-year period.

This massive infrastructure program will reduce pollution in the waterways by capturing more than one million pounds of nitrogen that would have otherwise been discharged into the Chesapeake Bay. Under this contract, JMT’s expertise in civil design services reduced traffic and congestion in areas where tunnel construction rose to the street level through access shafts and near-surface utility relocations. JMT traffic engineers used sophisticated modeling software to analyze traffic patterns, including recommendations for geometrics, signal timing, and detours to reduce impacts to the public while coordinating with numerous utilities and DDOT. For some tasks, including the Northeast Boundary Tunnel, our expertise was relied upon in more than 40 public meetings with stakeholders and the local community.

Regulatory Permitting

JMT has successfully worked with DC Water to achieve compliance with NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) and regulatory requirements on National Park Service (NPS) lands, including for natural, cultural, and archaeological resources. This has been accomplished in conjunction with DC Water’s design standards and specifications. On two separate occasions under our Infrastructure and Environmental Assessment Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) contract, we have been tasked with providing DC Water managers with comprehensive NEPA and Regulatory Permitting training for work on NPS lands. We have also developed DC Water’s NEPA Communications Plan. Our knowledge of DC Water standards and processes, as well as the quality of our work, is demonstrated by our performance on our current DC Water BOA contracts. As evidence, our current BOA Infrastructure Contract XII was recently extended for five more years through 2028.

Pinehurst, Sherrill, Fenwick (PSF) Sewer Improvements

Location​: Washington, D.C.
Client​: DC Water

JMT positioned DC Water to restore 4+ miles of threatened pipelines in environmentally sensitive areas with numerous stakeholders and regulators.

JMT provided conceptual recommendations to provide long term protection of exposed sewer infrastructure within Rock Creek Park. Working collaboratively with the sanitary sewer designers, JMT performed a complete geomorphic analysis of the affected stream valleys and provided recommendations to provide long term geomorphic protection for specific assets requiring rehabilitation, replacement, upgrading, and/or armoring. We integrated these recommendations with the sewer rehabilitation and repair alternatives during the Concept Finalization Report (CFR) design phase. Our environmental specialists performed NEPA compliance, wetland studies, stream geomorphic assessments and stabilization designs, cultural resource investigations, alternatives development, agency and public outreach, Phase IA archaeological investigation, and Special Use Permit applications.

Creekbed Sewer Rehabilitation – Glover Archbold Park CMAR

Location​: Washington, D.C.
Client: DC Water

JMT’s expertise in environmental regulations and NEPA requirements in Washington, D.C. will deliver results to an intensive sewer rehabilitation CMAR project in an environmentally sensitive area with critical stakeholder input.

The Glover Archbold project involves the rehabilitation of more than 20,000 LF of pipe, 67 manholes, and several MS4 outlets in and along the Foundry Branch. The creek and Archbold-Glover Trail are part of NPS’ Rock Creek Park, just west of Georgetown. JMT is leading the environmental compliance efforts for the project and will provide NEPA compliance, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act coordination, archaeological investigations and reporting, stream geomorphic assessments and stabilization design, wetland permitting, and NPS permitting.

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